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Someone: "Beats" Tetris After learning strategies and concentrating
Smelly ahh 40yo on the internet: boohoo, you should get a Life, because i have no talent and hard no archievments in life
Just Updated
On Level 169, Clearing 1 Line Gets You Infinite Confetti. A Screenshot Has Been Placed Below This Text For Information. I Also Found 2 Creepy Glitches. The First One Lets You Play On, But The Second Crashes The Game.
Soooo i made it to level 16 somehow
Idk how just did must have went ultra instinct
heres a screenshot incase you were wondering
Someone beat tetris today at the age of 13
He has some tetris on his page.
I call him Sir Tetrius The First as a joke
8 Votes in Poll
Jeem refers to clearing five lines, Hah refers to clearing six lines, and Khah refers to clearing seven lines. This is possible in games of heptiminos such as Seentis.
The scoring system for games supporting JHK is as following:
Single: 1 point
Double: 3 points
Triple: 5 points
Tetris: 8 points
Jeem: 9 points
Hah: 11 points
Khah: 13 points
Back to back Tetris: 12 points
Back to back Jeem: 12 points
Back to back Hah: 14 points
Back to back Khah: 18 points
| SMALL = 1 |
| LARGE = 6 |
| ROCK = 30 |
| STAR = 180 |
| MOON = 360 |
| CROWN = 720 |
| COMET = 1,440 |
Here it is! Nuisance Symbols in Tetris (and Based on Puyo Puyo)! It's like a Classic Version of Puyo Puyo Tetris, but I made these Symbols. "Small, Large, Rock, Star, Moon, Crown and Comet" were from the Nuisance Queue page of Puyo Nexus Wiki, according to the Diagram above.
This is the Colorized 1989 Tetromino Skin.
Even Some Games Say That, It's called "Retro", a FULL COLOR Adaptation of "Monochrome" Skin in Tetris.
I lost so uch game due to unfair matchmaking, I always matched with higher ranked even that I am D rank and vs D rank player, he is too pro, I feel like his is at ranked A+ or something, this is an unfair game so rage quitted after losing too much due to fake account I must say!
25 Votes in Poll