A rotation system broadly represents where and how tetrominoes spawn, how they rotate, and what wall kicks they may perform. Different rotation systems exist through a broad spectrum of games, some having their own unique system, others in a series may change only a little. Notable systems:
- Original Rotation System, used by the first Tetris game.
- Super Rotation System (or SRS). This is the one used by the Tetris Guideline.
- Tetris Best rotation system (TBRS) has the same basic rotation as SRS (except for O which is modified to faciliate O-spins), and allows some of its wallkicks as well.
- Tetris Return rotation system (TRRS), the successor of TBRS, adds many more wallkicks in its rotation system, allowing for 3-kicks. It also has 16 rotation buttons to faciliate in complex twist situations.
- Arika Rotation System (or ARS). Also known as TGM
- Sega Rotation System. The colors and basic rotations associated with it are the same ones used in TGM, but no kicks.
- Nintendo Rotation System
- DTET Rotation System
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