Tetris Wiki

EA Games' Tetris is an authentic Tetris game available on the Playstation Network for the PSP and Playstation 3 (PS3).

Game modes[]

Single Player[]

  • Marathon
  • Variants - Each variant has levels 1-15 (with the exception of Radical), and each level is completed by clearing 40 lines.
    • Chill - blocks freeze after a certain number of moves (the number depends on the level) and become immune to gravity.
    • Flashlight - only a few columns of the matrix underneath the current tetromino are visible (but the whole matrix is briefly visible after hard drops and line clears).
    • Laser - the game ends when any blocks are touched by a laser beam, which gradually comes down over time and rises with hard drops and line clears.
    • Ledges - tetrominoes not supported by special ledges will fall through the matrix.
    • Magnetic - each piece is either red or blue and is "attracted" to one side of the matrix.
    • Origin - only the rules and behavior of the original game apply.
    • Radical - the tetrominoes instantly appear at bottom of stack (20G)
    • Treadmill - the matrix scrolls sideways with each drop.

External links[]
